Frequently Asked Questions

Basics/Getting Started

Who gets Box?
All active Georgetown credit students, as well as the faculty and staff of the main campus and med center, qualify for Box accounts for as long as they maintain at least one of those affiliations with the university.

What is Box?
Box is a file sharing and storage service that enables you to securely store your documents “in the cloud” and to access those documents anywhere you can connect to the Internet. You can also share your documents with any of your classmates or colleagues. 

How do I get a Box account?
If you qualify for a Georgetown Box account, simply activate your account!

How long do I keep my Box account?
You get to keep your Box account as long as you have at least one of the following active affiliations: 
—Credit student
—Main campus or med center faculty 

Please note, accounts are suspended for users without an active affiliation and deleted 30 days after suspension.

Is there a cost for Box accounts?
No, Box is free for all qualified users. 

How do I log in to Box?
Just go to the Georgetown Box login page (new window) , Select the “Login to Box” graphic, and then enter your NetID and password on the secure “Sign In” page.

How can I log in to my Georgetown Box account if I’m already logged in to my personal Box personal account?
If you’re currently logged in to your personal Box account, first log out of that account and then log in to your Georgetown Box account.

Why are we using Box?
Box provides unlimited quotas, increased data security (with complete data encryption), and has an easy-to-use interface. You can also view, upload, and share documents from your mobile device. 

How much storage space do I get? 
Box users get unlimited storage.

Box Drive

How does Drive manage file collaboration conflicts?
If you are working on a file with other collaborators, be sure to lock files before opening them with Box Edit. This will prevent other users from making changes to documents that you are working on until you unlock the file. Click here for more information about locking and unlocking files.

What goes into the Drive Recycle Bin?
When files are deleted by Drive, they are placed in the Trash on the Mac and in the Drive Recycle Bin on Windows. Regardless of how a file is deleted, it will be available from Georgetown Box’s trash available on the Box Web interface.

What is the difference between drive icons?
Box Drive icons tell you at a glance the status of your files and folders. Click here for a listing and description of Box Drive icons.

What file types are ignored and blocked by Drive?
Click here for information on the types of files that are ignored or blocked in Box Drive.

Does Drive support file names that contain special characters?
Box does not support file names with certain special characters. Click here for a list of unsupported special characters. 

How are permissions managed in Box Drive?
The content you see in your Box folder on a desktop follows the same permissions rules as the content in Box. To review who has permissions, right-click the item and select Share > Manage Collaborators. Click here to find out more information about permissions in Box Drive.

Can I use Drive as a bulk migration tool?
Drive is not optimized for migrating a large amount of data into Box. If you need to migrate data from an existing file system with a lot of files, contact the Service Center for assistance by going to

I have an external hard drive. Can I sync that to Drive?
We recommend only syncing to a local hard drive. Do not use box drive with flash drives, external hard drives, network drives, or any external media. Although this will work in some cases, there are known issues, and we do not recommend this configuration.

How can I find out more information about Box Drive?
Click here for more information on how to use Box Drive. You can also click here to view additional FAQs on the Box Web site.

Accessing Box

What Browsers does Box officially support?
Click here for a list of Box-supported browsers.

Can I use Box over WiFi? 
Yes, you can use Box anywhere you can access the Internet and have access to a compatible device.

Can I use Box on my mobile device? 
Absolutely! You can use Box on the iPhone, iPad, Android devices and Windows Phone. Click here for details on using Box on your mobile device

I already have a personal Box account; what will happen to that account? 
Your personal Box account will stay the same as always unless you used your NetID when you created your personal account.

I’m a Georgetown Sponsored Associate (SUA) employee; can I get a Box account?
To get a Box account, associates must make their request through their department.

What apps are available to Georgetown Box users?
Apps connect your Georgetown Box data with external applications and services. To help keep your content safe and secure, we have enabled Georgetown Box core applications. We’re currently constructing a list of apps requested by the community and will be holding a quarterly open forum to review and discuss. Upon request, application authorization will be taken into consideration for Georgetown Box. 

Using Box

Any restrictions on what I can/should keep in Box? 
You can use box to store all of your data. For more information about data classifications please see the Security Office’s data classification policy.

What is the Box storage limit?
Box provides unlimited storage for your Box account. However, there is a 15GB file upload limit; if you have files that you want to upload that are 15GB or higher, you’ll want to upload them separately to ensure they upload successfully.  

What types of files can I store in Box? 
You can store any file in Box. However, you can edit and view only selected document types that are stored in Box. 

I have files in Google Drive; can I store them in Box? 

Yes, but you will first need to download those documents to your computer, and then upload them to Box. 

What if I don’t want to share any of my Box documents? 

You’re not required to share any documents. You only need to share the documents on which you want others to collaborate with you.

Can I share my files with people outside Georgetown?
Yes. You can share documents with people outside Georgetown, but those people must have a Box account, even if it’s a personal Box account. 

How long will files stay in my trash?
Deleted files are kept in the Trash folder for 30 days. Upon expiration, files are auto-deleted and can no longer be recovered.


Can I store restricted (e.g., HIPAA, FERPA) data in Box? 
Yes, you can store sensitive data, such as HIPAA/PHI and FERPA, in Georgetown Box.

How safe are my files in Box? 
Your files are very safe in Box. They are completely encrypted—Box encrypts your data while it’s sitting in your Box account. This is called encryption at rest

Are the documents in my Box account backed up? 
Yes.  All content stored in Box is kept in multiple data centers to ensure high-availability to your data. Please note, though, that if you delete an item from your account those files cannot be recovered once the trash has been emptied.